Sunday, January 9, 2011

其他注释 Others Note

•黑板樹約在1943年日治時期引入台灣,由於該植物生長快速,約需3年就可以長到約9公尺高,10年高度可達25-30公尺。從外觀來看樹幹挺直、樹形乾淨素雅,成 為園林造景者的喜好。當花季過去後,可以發現樹上開始掛著一條條長長的果實,好似菜豆,另外其種子也會藉由風力等空中散佈的方式進行傳播.


Alstonia scholaris is a small tree that grows up to 40 m tall and is glabrous. The bark is greyish; branchlets are copiously lenticellate.

The upperside of the leaves are glossy, while the underside is greyish.[1] Leaves occur in whorls of 3-10; petioles are 1–3 cm; the leathery leaves are narrowly obovate to very narrowly spathulate, base cuneate, apex usually rounded; lateral veins occur in 25-50 pairs, at 80-90° to midvein. Cymes are dense and pubescent; peduncle is 4–7 cm long. Pedicels are usually as long as or shorter than calyx. The corolla is white and tube-like, 6–10 mm; lobes are broadly ovate or broadly obovate, 2-4.5 mm, overlapping to the left. The ovaries are distinct and pubescent. The follicles are distinct and linear.

The small flowers of Alstonia blooms in the month October. The flowers are very fragrant similar to the flower of Cestrum nocturnum.

Seeds of A. scholaris are oblong, with ciliated margins, and ends with tufts of hairs 1.5–2 cm.[2] The bark is almost odourless and very bitter, with abundant bitter and milky sap.

Alstonia scholaris is native to the following regions:
China: Guangxi (s.w.), Yunnan (s.)
Indian subcontinent: India; Nepal; Sri Lanka
Southeast Asia: Cambodia; Myanmar; Thailand; Vietnam, Indonesia; Malaysia; Papua New Guinea;
Australia: Queensland
It has also been naturalised in several other tropical and subtropical climates.

The bark contains the alkaloids ditamine, echitenine and echitamine and used to serve as an alternative to quinine. At one time, a decoction of the bark was used to treat diarrhoea and malaria, as a tonic, febrifuge, emmenagogue, anticholeric and vulnerary. A decoction of the leaves were used for beriberi. Ayurveda recommends A. scholaris for bowel complaints. In Sri Lanka its light wood is used for coffins. In Borneo the wood close to the root is very light and of white colour, and is used for net floats, household utensils, trenchers, corks, etc

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